Why do you lie there like that, flat on our back?
8 1/2 X 11 inches of lines and spaces
Awaiting the touch of one with need to release
A blank space of opportunity to explore the deepest corners of the mind
How can you, you simple former tree, taunt me with your promises of freedom?
Your promises of rest, with limits beyond any wild imagination
Limits only determined by the one who holds the key to unlock your portals of mystery
Here, in this space of blue and white, I write, create, and dream anything
No sky to limit, no peak to reach
A true discovery of endless possibility
Worthy of the highest award for utility
Are you currency, or art? Held together or torn apart?
Delicate as fine China, porous as a sponge, The list could go on
And on, you magnificent shape shifter
Forever. Discover. Change. Unite.