Some Creative Writer

"It started as a thought and turned into art."

About the Author

I’m a creative. I’m a writer, musician, and an aspiring music producer. My dream is to be able to roll out of bed at noon, scribble down something amazingly inspiring, and get a check for it; all at the same time.

I’m a SAHM (IYKYK) of 15 years to 4 beautiful, aggravating, adorably exhausting children. For the past 7 years I have also been caregiver to my elderly mother. Between you and me, I think my husband works just to get out of the house.

I’ve always been interest by the arts. The ability to making something out of nothing is both exciting and frustrating. I’ve search far and wide to find the one that drives my passion. Trust me, if there is a creative outlet to be tried, I’ve tried it. In my down time (this is sarcasm) I enjoy woodworking, photography, HGTV, and recently wood burning (which is not as easy as it looks).

I have journals upon journals of stories and story ideas that I’ve enjoyed writing over the years. And since my college degree means nothing after this many years out of the field, I’ve decided to explore my creativity however it chooses to show itself.

This website is truly a labor of love. I hope you will enjoy its contents as much as I enjoy writing them. If you really like it, share it with a friend.


The Author